Saturday, January 18, 2025
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Russian scientists plan to launch world´s first edible Covid vaccine

Moscow, Apr 18 (Prensa Latina) Russian scientists are now reportedly conducting trials of the world´s coronavirus vaccine that can be drunk from a bottle. Given the number of syringes and the time healthcare professionals need to give injections, it is hoped that the formula could speed up the process of immunizing millions of people, while leaving a pleasant taste in the mouths of those who'd rather not roll up their sleeves.

Alexander Dmitriev, a top boffin at the Russian Academy of Sciences, told RIA Novosti on Friday that preclinical studies of the yogurt-based vaccine are now underway and could be completed within a year.

Answering the question everyone was wondering, Alexander Suvorov, another scientist who has worked on the idea of the needle-free vaccination, told reporters that it would taste almost exactly like a popular local dairy drink, known as ryazhenka. The fermented baked milk-based beverage is beloved in Russia and Ukraine, and tastes not dissimilar to kefir or soured milk.

In the process, a fragment of the synthesized coronavirus genome is used and this is embedded in the genome of the bacterium, and as a result of this genetic modification, a protein is generated that in turn guarantees the production of an immune response by the body.
