Thursday, September 19, 2024
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Inconsistencies in US policy towards Cuba

Havana, Jul 22 (Prensa Latina) Foreign Minister Bruno Rodríguez today contrasted the incongruity between the discourse and the practice of the United States Government, because it expresses its concern for the well-being of the Cuban people while strangling its economy.

‘If the US Government were concerned about the well-being of the Cuban people, it would put an end to the blockade with which it tries to suffocate us, the illegal actions of interference in the internal affairs of Cuba and the disinformation campaigns to justify its aggressive measures with lies’, wrote Rodríguez on Twitter.

The day before, the Minister of Foreign Affairs (Minrex) said that if the administration of Democrat Joe Biden wishes to help the population of the island, it could eliminate the limit of a thousand dollars per quarter on remittances.

He could also lift the ban on these shipments from third countries through the Western Union company and the impossibility of processing them through companies such as Fincimex and AIS.

In similar terms, the general director for the United States of the Foreign Ministry, Carlos Fernández de Cossío, spoke on that social network, who pointed out that if the United States were honestly concerned about the well-being of the Cuban people, it would abandon the practice of punishing this Antillean nation.

The official also pointed out that his country has the right to demand that the United States respect its sovereignty and end the policy of aggression.

In an article published today on the Cubadebate site, he affirmed that Cuba’s claims are legitimate, including that the neighboring northern power put an end to the economic, commercial and financial blockade, interference in internal affairs and millionaire financing for political subversion .
