Thursday, January 16, 2025
name of Prensa Latina
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name of Prensa Latina



Nearly 60% of Cuba’s population vaccinated against Covid-19

Havana, Oct 12 (Prensa Latina) Cuba registered 55.8 percent of its inhabitants (six million 238 thousand 972) with the complete anti-Covid-19 vaccination plan, the head of the national immunization program, Lena López, reported today.

Until Monday, nine million 628,835 people had received at least the first dose of one of the three doses of the vaccines, the official from the Ministry of Public Health pointed out.

This figure represents a little more than 86 percent of all the country’s citizens (11,180,000 approximately), she said.

It also represents 98.4 percent of all vaccinable people, that is, those without any health problem and with all the possibilities to receive the Cuban products Soberana 02, Soberana Plus or Abdala.

The percentage exceeds the world average, since only 46.3 percent of the planet’s inhabitants have the initial injection, according to figures from the data information platform Our World.

The island is on top of the list of Latin American and Caribbean countries with the highest percentage of persons that have been vaccinated at least once.
