The latest victim was identified as 51-year-old Mustafa Jabareen, who was shot to death on Friday in the northern city of Umm al Fahm, the group said in a statement.
Of all 126 victims, 62 were under 30 years of age and 16 were women, the non-governmental organization noted.
The descendants of Palestinians who were not expelled from their lands after the creation of the Jewish State in 1948 have since denounced that they are treated as second-class citizens.
At present there are 1.9 million people that represent 21 percent of the total population of this country.
Arab communities have experienced an increase in violence in recent years, driven mainly by organized crime, amid criticism of the passivity of the police in tackling the problem.
The NGO Sikkuy assures that one of the main reasons for the differences between Arab and Jewish citizens is the unequal allocation of state resources.
Sikkuy highlighted in its 2020 annual report that 14.5 percent of Jewish families live below the poverty line, while that scourge reaches 45.3 percent among Arab families.