Tuesday, September 17, 2024
name of Prensa Latina
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Angola’s youth can hope for high posts, president says

Luanda, Aug 26 (Prensa Latina) The president of the Movement for the Liberation of Angola (MPLA) party, João Lourenço, affirmed that the country's youth can reach the highest posts, including the Presidency of the Republic.

At a time when all eyes in the political world are focused on the extraordinary congress of the MPLA, summoned for next December, and on the projections with a view to the 2027 elections, the leader of the ruling party expressed support for the rise of young people and women.

In a meeting with the first secretaries of the Party Action Committees (CAP) of the country, the President of the Republic assured that the MPLA will continue to invest in young people, “preparing them and giving them all the opportunities to rise as far as their abilities allow, even to the highest office”.

For the first time, the party leader met with more than 2,500 leaders from all the municipalities, districts and communes of the country, in a meeting that he declared seeks to strengthen the bases of the organization and listen to their opinions.

At the meeting Lourenço emphasized that it is these structures which in their daily interaction the MPLA’s national construction project make known, its part of struggles and victories, and its present of hard work, and urged to deepen the community work and the dialogue with the citizenship.

He commented that this year the ordinary congress of the MPLA Youth (JMPLA) and the extraordinary congress of the MPLA will be held, although he clarified that this does not include a renewal of mandates.
