Nancy Marin, leader of the Popular Front of Belize (FPB), told Channel 7 news today, the decision to invite Muhammed Abdul Salam, coordinator of the network in favor of Palestine in the United States, as part of the strategy and solidarity actions called by the Sao Paulo Forum, of which the FPB is a member.
In the interview offered to the local television media, in which Rabon Rodriguez, coordinator of the Latin American Coalition against Apartheid, also participated as a guest, Abdul Salam updated on the situation, result, he said, of the Israeli genocide in the territories of Gaza and the West Bank, at the same time that he highlighted the international mobilization of condemnation.
Marín also insisted on the educational objective of the visit, on the need to make the people and institutions of the Caribbean nation aware of the terrible ordeal the Palestinian people are going through, and the lack of effective action by the international community.
The visitors are carrying out a program that included meetings with Prime Minister John Briceño and former Prime Ministers Said Musa and Dean Barrow, as well as meetings at the University of Belize and with other organizations.
Belize suspended its relations with Israel as of November 14, 2024, through an official declaration, in which it announced its reiterated calls to the government of that country for the cessation of genocide, and ratified its position in favor of the right to self-determination and peace for Palestine.
Last September, on the occasion of the Special Emergency Session of the United Nations General Assembly, Assad Shoman, the Prime Minister’s special envoy for sovereignty issues, expressed the urgency of ‘joining forces to stop Israel’s genocide, end the apartheid system, end colonialism and state terrorism’.