Signed by journalist Factor Méndez and published by the local newspaper La Hora, the article explained that this act by President Joe Biden does justice to Cuba because it means relief for its Government and population.
The country has suffered a critical economic and social situation for 63 years due to the unjust and inhumane economic blockade imposed by the United States Executive, he added.
In his article, entitled Two Historic and Optimistic Humanitarian Events, the author commented that for now, getting off the list of nations that sponsor terrorism is a political victory for Cuba.
However, he said that the blockade continues and it causes deep limitations for the population who suffers from shortages of medicines, supplies of all kinds, food and basic needs.
“It is clear that the intention of the imperialist government is to create conditions to encourage social discontent, destabilize the Cuban revolutionary regime and cause a change of course,” he stressed.
But 63 years later the imperial strategy failed, the people and government of Cuba resist and will resist, the experienced reporter pointed out in the article.
The unjust and inhumane economic blockade against Cuba has been condemned in the last 30 years by nearly all the countries of the world that reiterate it every year at the United Nations General Assembly, he recalled.
Although the next US Executive that will take office next Monday raises concern due to the ultraconservative nature of its leaders, he added.