The diplomat made that statement on Telegram, where he announced that on behalf of Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro, they held a meeting with foreign ministers and diplomats from the region to address the issue of Human Mobility on the Northern Route of the Continent.
Gil said that despite unilateral coercive measures, the Venezuelan economy continues to grow and opens its doors to Venezuelans who return home after having migrated due to the imperialist blockade.
“Together we can ensure and defend the rights of our people,” he noted.
On Thursday, the Venezuelan Deputy Foreign Minister for Latin America, Rander Peña, announced his participation in the Migration Meeting in Mexico City.
On behalf of President Nicolás Maduro, we have brought the Venezuelan people’s truth and we have exposed the structural causes that have motivated Venezuelan migration, mainly economic, he said on his Telegram channel.
Peña added that the main cause are the criminal unilateral coercive measures imposed on the Bolivarian Republic, which generated losses of 99 percent of national resources.
The deputy foreign minister pointed out that they also denounced the business that a group of unscrupulous Venezuelans promoted and have made of migration, “thus the fight against coyotism and all these criminal organizations.”
We also reaffirm our commitment to the agreements of the meeting in Palenque, Chiapas, Mexico, in October 2023, attended by top authorities from the region, he said.
We tell our fellow countrymen that Venezuela is ready to welcome each one of them back to the homeland, where “together we can build the country we want. Our hug goes out to the Venezuelan family, see you at home!” he concluded.