The agreement establishes diversified actions for improvement, research and socialization of scientific results, in exploitation of the hybrid modality and learning through updated virtual platforms.
The president of Cespe, Carlos Viltre, told Prensa Latina that the inter-institutional relationship agreement aims to strengthen ties of collaboration in matters of improvement for the teachers of the Hermanos Marañón Faculty.
He added that the agreement will allow supporting the socialization of research knowledge, by seeking spaces both from the Latin American Center, and to create their own in the Faculty with the accompaniment of the academic network.
The dean of the Hermanos Marañón Faculty, Izaida Marrero, acknowledged that, as a result of this agreement, the higher education center will have access to updated scientific resources, more competitive knowledge, and interactions with other specialists inside and outside Cuba through specialized publications.
Later, Viltre gave the conference Open Science and Open Access, in line with the new perspective of democratic access to science, a paradigm promoted by the Latin American Center for Studies in Pedagogical Epistemology.