“With everyone and for the good of all. For dialogue between civilizations and for a Culture of Peace,” said the text to convene the meeting, which will be held in Havana.
It stressed that the Conference will take place “at a time when the new administration of US Republican President Donald Trump has ordered tougher economic and political sanctions against the Government and people of Cuba.”
The article’s author, journalist Factor Méndez, referred to the Apostle of Cuba’s Independence, José Martí, since the meeting will coincide with his 172nd birthday and whose “humanistic and current work stimulates efforts in favor of sustainable development, social justice and the elimination of poverty,” he pointed out.
He also referred to people’s access to health care, education and culture, as well as respect for the rights of others, dialogue and peace. This world forum of plural and multidisciplinary thought is a meeting to share ideas at a scientific, academic, intellectual level, with writers, historians, and journalists, among others.
The proposal, he highlighted, takes into account that currently “humanity is advancing towards new forms of organization of the world system, in the context of a civilizing transition that transcends the legacy of colonialism, hegemony and unipolarity.”
He recalled that the International Conferences for the Balance of the World become academic-scientific forums for different branches of knowledge, particularly Social Sciences and Humanities.
They are conducive to an exchange of opinions, reflections on contemporary problems, identification of common objectives and unity of global actions, he emphasized.
Therefore, in order to privilege dialogue over war, love over hate, solidarity over selfishness, and to transmit new ideas to strengthen people’s awareness in the future and a better world.