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Thiomersal-allergic people may be vaccinated with Cuban candidate

Havana Apr 3 (Prensa Latina) People allergic to thiomersal may be vaccinated with Cuba´s anti-Covid-19 candidates, for which single-dose batches are already being produced without using such an organomercuric compound with antiseptic action, a scientific authority announced.

Speaking to the Cubadebate digital newspaper, Dagmar García, Research director of Finlay Vaccine Institute (IFV), said that all thiomersal-allergic people will be vaccinated.

She specified that, as part of the productive escalation, latest batches with a single dose will not contain thiomersal.

‘In the observational study with Soberana 02 candidate that is today applied to health workers in Havana, a great number of batches have already been used without this organomercuric compound,’ García explained.

Plus, García pointed out that, in the case of this candidate (Soberana 02), in charge of IFV and currently in phase III of clinical trials in the Cuban capital, the multi-dose vaccines contain thiomersal.

According to the expert, vaccines in multi-dose formulations are very common in the pharmaceutical industry, which may contain 5 or 10 for each vial, thus making immunization programs much easier.

Soberana 02 candidate recently concluded its first stage of its phase III by vaccinating 44,010 volunteers and will reach another 150,000 during the controlled observational trial.
