Saturday, January 18, 2025
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Brazilian MOH admitted Chloroquine ineffectiveness on Covid-19

Brasilia, Jun 9 (Prensa Latina) Brazil´s Health Minister Marcelo Queiroga on Tuesday owned up to that Chloroquine is ineffective against Covid-19, during his second speech at the Senate commission (CPI) in charge of assessing government's coronavirus pandemic management.

With such an assertion, Queiroga belied President Jair Bolsonaro´s defenses to Chloroquine and other drugs to prevent and treat the virus, with no scientific testing.

A month ago, in his first statement, Queiroga avoided taking a position on Chloroquine.

He was now subpoenaed anew since, according to senators, his answers in the starting hearing belied all information and cleared up no points investigated.

Despite the fact that he (Queiroga) recognized the chloroquine and hydroxychloroquine nullity to fight Covid-19, the Health Minister declined to abrogate press release guiding to prescribe some drugs to coronavirus-infected patients.

In the text, Brazil´s Health Ministry considered ‘the wide-ranging experience in using chloroquine and hydroxychloroquine to treat other infectious and chronic diseases within the framework of the SUS (Unified Health System), and the inexistence of another effective treatment available for Covid-19.’

Queiroga on Tuesday warned several times about the incompetence of some drugs to fight coronavirus and assured there is a great disagreement among medical communities.

pgh/Pll/msm / ocs