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Oxfam warns about growing threat of starvation worldwide

Geneva, Jul 9 (Prensa Latina) In 2020 there were six times more people close to starvation than in 2019, Oxfam said in a report.

More than half a million people are living in famine-like conditions and are on the brink of starvation, Oxfam said.

This also meant that hunger globally worsened during 2020 due to a combination of factors.

Oxfam added that 155 million human beings face a food crisis, that is, difficulties in accessing basic foods. This is equivalent to the population of France, Germany and Belgium together, and are 20 million more than in 2019, said Oxfam in its report.

Conflicts, the Covid-19 pandemic and Climate Change could cause that 11 people (per minute) may die of hunger at the end of 2021, Oxfam warned about this combination of phenomena, calling it as ‘explosive, lethal Three C´s.’

Oxfam estimated that conflicts are still the leading causes of hunger since the Covid-19 outbreak, pushing over half a million people into a near-famine situation.

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