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Cuban cultural institution calls 2023 Composition Award

Havana, Apr 9 (Prensa Latina) The prestigious Cuban cultural institution Casa de las Americas is preparing the 2023 Composition Prize to stimulate the creative work of Latin American musicians.

In addition to disseminating recent creations in this field, the institution called its 9th contest in April, with the desire to respond to current creative trends and composers in the region.

The contest is held every two years and rewards the works of multiple talents, as indicated in the call, which also invites participants to incorporate new technologies and transdisciplinary approaches into artistic creation.

The contest encourages creativity in its various facets, and will be dedicated to works of Visual Music, a very broad term that describes a wide range of creative approaches to work with sound.

It can refer to “visualizing music,” and the main concept refers to transferring or reinterpreting common variables in the composition or sound arts through images.

The Casa de las Americas contest is expected to receive works created specifically to experiment on the border between sound, music and visual arts, and not just setting videos to music or recording conventional concerts.
