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Maduro calls raid on Mexican Embassy in Quito a barbaric act

Caracas, Apr 6 (Prensa Latina) As an act of barbarism and something never seen in Latin America, Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro on Saturday described the raid by Ecuadorian security forces into the Mexican Embassy in Quito.

The pro-Yankee right-wing Government of Ecuador brutally violated International Law by attacking the Mexican Embassy in that country and kidnapping a political asylum seeker, thus recognized by the Mexican Government, the president wrote on his X profile.

Maduro stressed that Venezuela “raises its voice very laud to reject this fascist act against International Law, and expresses its full and absolute solidarity” with President Andrés Manuel López Obrador and the people of Mexico.

Venezuela’s Foreign Ministry strongly condemned the events perpetrated on Friday night at the Mexican Embassy by the security corps of the Government of Ecuador.

In the operation, “they illegally raided and captured former Vice President Jorge Glas, to whom the Mexican Government had granted political asylum, as a result of the atrocious persecution of which he has been a victim,” a statement indicated.

The Foreign Ministry affirmed that all this is an action that not even in the most atrocious dictatorships in the region, such as those of Augusto Pinochet, in Chile, or Jorge Rafael Videla, in Argentina, has there been an event like this one, “creating a worrying precedent for Ecuador and the world.”

The press release stated that with this step, “the Ecuadorian Government places itself on a par with the criminal regime of Israel,” which, in the last few hours, bombed the consular facilities of the Islamic Republic of Iran in Damascus, Syria, brutally and outrageously violating every principle within the framework of International Law.

It charged that this terrible act also resembles the reprehensible assault on the Venezuelan Embassy in Uruguay by the Government of Juan María Bordaberry in 1976, within the framework of the execution of the well-known Condor Operation, supported by the United States.

The text stated that with this “excessive lack of modesty and common sense on the part of Ecuadorian authorities, we alert the governments of the world about the possible emergence of a time of terror for Ecuador,” where neofascism, as an extreme and totalitarian ideology, would be demonstrating its power.
