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Economy and ideology: two priorities at Cuban Communist meeting

Havana, Dec 10 (Prensa Latina) Efforts to boost the national economy and its impact on ideology will be the focus of debates of the Ninth Plenary Session of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Cuba (CCPCC), scheduled from November 12 through 13.

This was confirmed by member of the CCPCC secretariat and head of its Economic and Productive Department, Jorge Luis Broche, speaking on Monday at news program Mesa Redonda, together with grassroots political leaders and heads of the party’s working committees.

According to Broche, the coming party meeting will address several essential issues, including the organization’s role in correcting errors and re-boosting the national economy and the effective role to be played by state-owned and non-state players.

The plenary is to report on the progress achieved by the government program, aimed at fulfilling the goals defined in 2023, the prospective economic plan and the budget for next year, he said.

Likewise, the Political Bureau of the PCC will forwards relevant reports to the Ninth Plenum of the organization, dealing with such issues as a critical assessment of negative trends that burden the ideology of Cuban society, he said.

Also appearing on the radio-televised program, secretaries of grassroots organizations of the Party in companies vital to the economy, and representatives of work commissions that prepared the key documents for the meeting running the coming Thursday and Friday.

In his speech, the president of the Economic Commission of the CC-PCC, and deputy to the Cuban parliament, Carlos Torres, explained that this group of experts gathered criteria from more than 90 thousand people throughout the country, including experts in economics, academics from universities, economic players, members of mass organizations and party and government structures.

Some thousand proposals emerged from these exchanges, said Torres, who explained that the Plenary will focus on a “critical analysis on the economy’s performance”, its state and non-state players, the strengthening of union structures in these sectors, as well as the mechanisms for promoting cooperatives.

They will also evaluate the progress of the Cuban strategy leading to macroeconomic stabilization, the incentive for foreign investment, tourism, the review of mechanisms to allocate foreign currency to companies, and the island’s exchange market, among other topics.

The Ninth Plenary will weigh the impact and risks of each decision, as well as the mechanisms for social protection, based on an update of more than 100 actions by various economic and social actors.

For his part, the head of the Ideological Commission of the party body, Yoelkis Sánchez, asserted that the vocation to correct negative trends is not new, and it was the historical leader, Fidel Castro, its main promoter.

He assured Cuba will succesfuly deal with pernicious phenomena such as cultural colonization, the uncritical acceptance of the alleged benefits of capitalism, abusive food prices, insensitivity from some officials, bureaucracy, among others. The unity of the party and its revolutionary forces will succeed in reversing the identified problems, Sánchez vowed.
