The process aims to contribute to improving the draft with the participation of selected audiences, as well as agencies from the Central State Administration and selected mass and social organizations.
In a press conference, the first vice president of the Cuban Sports Institute (INDER), Raúl Fornés, said that the population would also be able to participate by email and telephone to suggest additions, modifications or deletions to the text.
INDER Legal Director Karel Pachó, in turn, explained that the fundamental objectives of the draft bill are to establish and regulate the foundations, scopes, goals, principles and components, as well as the organization and operation of the Cuban Sports System.
Among its functions is to regulate the rights and duties of all participating subjects, including non-systematic practitioners, as well as high-performance athletes, leaders, sports technical personnel, judges and referees, volunteers, and sports glories and personalities.
Pachó added that this exercise is a genuine expression of the democratic and participatory nature of the revolutionary State in the process of elaboration of legal norms, in this case, the first Sports Law in Cuba’s history.