Conceived and directed by Jorge Alberto Piñero Estrada (JAPE), this sitcom for the small screen has a main character who embodies “an ordinary man, with a certain intellectual background, researcher and defender of cultural heritage”.
According to its creator, Floro or Florindo Reyes is a Quixote, who together with the hypothetical Sancho Panza (wife Elena) goes out every day to the arena of life to undo misfortunes, and “seems to explode, but does not faint”.
Before becoming the protagonist of 27-minute TV episodes, the medium for which he was initially conceived, Floro appeared and won space in the pages of Dedeté, the humorous supplement of Juventud Rebelde newspaper, in a book published by Ediciones Loynaz, and in three short fiction films.
There is a lot of Floro in me and me in Floro, it is very difficult for an author not to transmit his essence to the character, the things he writes carry a lot of his life, his intimacies, although mixed, perhaps made up, with other stories, confessed Piñero in an interview with Prensa Latina.