Wednesday, January 15, 2025
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Colombia’s Petro shares luncheon with homeless

Bogotá, Dec 24 (Prensa Latina) Colombian President Gustavo Petro on Tuesday celebrated, for the third consecutive year, the traditional novena “Christmas with Hope” in the Plaza de Armas of the Casa de Nariño, where he shared a lunch with homeless locals.

The president, escorted by some ministers, pointed out in his speech that it is necessary for this population to receive greater attention and support from the Government.

“Every State official must serve them and not the other way around. The Constitution says that public servants must serve all citizens, no matter how high their position, including the president. This has been my philosophy, which I believe is democratic. Democracy is not aristocracy,” he said.

He also recalled that under previous administrations many homeless were allowed murdered and many others were found dead with their boots turned inside out.

He also took the opportunity to defend the work undertaken by the Ministry of Equality and assured that its management is important to serve communities and minorities that have been discriminated against.

“Some say this ministry is not needed. It turns out that it is a ministry created – since it did not exist – to deal with discriminated communities. It is the only State agency at the national level that can fully comply with the idea of the social State of law,” he stressed in reference to comments by detractors of that ministry.

Petro also indicated that from January 1, 2025 there must be an “avalanche of services to homeless people in other cities outside of Bogotá.”

He reiterated that the coming year will be decisive in terms of the continuity of progressive forces in power.

“2025 will be the year of the people and the year of democracy and of making the choice of whether we return to the past or raise the flag of freedom, democracy and equality among human beings,” he said.

The event, which culminated with a lunch prepared for the attendees, was enlivened by the Presidential Guard Battalion and its music.
