The group’s stamen voices “its indignation and condemnation of the new inclusion of Cuba by the US in the list of nations sponsoring terrorism.”
A few days had passed since its exclusion by the outgoing government headed by President Joe Biden and “this episode occurs with the incoming Trump,” the text states.
“This shows that this inclusion is nothing more than an instrument or miserable pretext to continue with the sanctions affecting the entire Cuban population, which have been condemned at the UN General Assembly by an overwhelming majority,” it stresses.
It describes the US government as “the greatest terrorist,” without the “slightest moral authority.”
The activists affirm that in the last two centuries the United States launched military interventions against third countries, while staging plots, coups d’état, inhuman economic sanctions, selective and also indiscriminate murders.
The statement assures that millions of people have lost their lives in several places due to such practices. “We express our hope that all governments, social and political organizations that are sensitive to this injustice, speak out condemning this arbitrary and unjust measure,” concludes the statement, which calls Trump’s decision “a shame for humanity.”