The head of this team, Alain Cedeño, said that although he represents the government party Realizando Metas (RM), they differ in this aspect of the Executive’s proposal and maintain the current retirement age (57 years for women and 62 years for men).
The deputy of Vamos and vice-president of the Commission, Yarelis Rodríguez, indicated that workers can also prolong their working life if they wish to.
During the deliberations of the initiative, the article dealing with the income to the Single Solidarity Fund was also discussed. Originally, the government had proposed a contribution of US$997 million to strengthen this fund.
However, the legislative proposal seeks to increase this state’s contribution.
Rodriguez questioned the need to increase the retirement age when, according to the Ministry of Economy and Finance (MEF), tax evasion amounts to US$1 billion per year, which is higher than the cost of maintaining the current retirement age.
“If the MEF were to do its job efficiently, there would be no need to impose an additional sacrifice on workers by increasing the retirement age. We demand from the government that the MEF performs its collection function efficiently to combat tax evasion,” he said.