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Iraq’s insurgent group attacks seven US military caravans

Baghdad, Aug 24 (Prensa Latina) The insurgent Qasim al-Jabarin group claimed on Tuesday seven attacks against seven US military caravans in Iraq, according to the Saberin news website.

Two of the actions took place in the Al-Diwaniyah province, two others in Babylon, another in the capital district of Yusufiyah, while the rest occurred in the provinces of Al Muhatna and Dhi Qar.

Recently, the harassment of US interests in that country escalated with bombs set off as vehicles passed by, loaded with military logistics.

Those caravans enter Iraq from the Syrian border in the west or through Kuwait in the south.

Iraqi irregular groups consider the US troops as occupiers who frequently violate sovereignty and disrespect local laws.

The rejection of Americans increased in tone after the assassination by US aircraft of the Iranian General Qassem Soleimani and the Deputy Commander of the Popular Mobilization Units, Abu Mahdi al-Mohandes.

For those crimes, the Parliament adopted in January 2020 a law demanding the withdrawal of all foreign military forces from the country.
