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Italian right starts with advantage in electoral race

Italia, derecha, ventaja, eleeciones
Rome, Jul 22 (Prensa Latina) The latest polls conducted in this country by SWG, Youtrend and Cattaneo Zanetto on Friday show a wide advantage, for the September elections, of an alliance between right-wing forces against a left that appears divided.

The polls, published by Il Giornale, Affari Italiani, TPI and other media this Friday, indicate that the political parties with the greatest current voter support are the ultra-nationalist Brothers of Italy (FdI) and the center-left Democratic Party (PD).

Both formations would independently obtain, according to SWG’s sampling, between 22 and 23 percent of the votes, but the right-wing coalition between FdI, Forza Italia and the League currently has 46.6 percent of acceptance among voters.

The advantage is 10 points higher than any hypothetical alliance of left-wing parties, a sector divided by recent disputes between its main exponents, the PD and the Five-Star Movement (M5S). The Youtrend and Cattaneo Zanetto studies agree that if the conservative political formations face a united left without the M5S, they would achieve up to 60 percent of the seats, with 240 of 400 lawmakers and 122 of 200 senators.

Both pollsters state that even in the case that the penta-stellar movement integrates the left-wing electoral proposal, the right-wing coalition’s lead in Parliament would be maintained with 221 lawmakers and 108 senators.
