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Pope’s statements after return from Portugal make headline news

Rome, Aug 7 (Prensa Latina) Italian media on Monday highlighted the statements made by Pope Francis after returning from Portugal, where he paid a visit from August 2 to 6 and attended the World Youth Day (WYD), which, he said, impressed him by its high participation.

This WYD, the fourth after those held in Brazil, Poland and Panama, “was also the best organized,” the Pope said during a meeting with journalists on the plane that carried him from Lisbon to Rome on Sunday night, the Avvenire newspaper reported on its website on Monday.

“I was impressed by the number of young people, more than one and a half million,” said Francis, who added that they “try to look ahead”, so that “the problem is to know how to accompany them and not to detach themselves from their roots.”

“That is why I insist that they talk with their grandparents, which is more important than with their parents, because from them they draw their roots,” he added.

In response to a question regarding his position on child abuse, the Bishop of Rome said that such an action “is like eating a person,” and added that “talking to abused people is a painful experience, but it does me good, it helps me take charge of the matter. It is a serious phenomenon. Zero tolerance,” the Pope added.

In relation to his upcoming trip to the French city of Marseilles to participate in the so-called Mediterranean Meetings, which will be held on September 22 and 23, the Holy Pontiff pointed out that he will attend the forum because he is concerned about the issue of migrants.

Regarding the tragedy experienced by these people, many of whom have died on their way to European countries, Francis said that “the Mediterranean is a cemetery, but the biggest cemetery is North Africa.”
