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UNSC rebukes Yemen´s Houthis after deadly attack

United Nations, Sep 29 (Prensa Latina) The UN Security Council rebuked the Iran-backed Houthis on Friday for their recent deadly attack against Bahraini troops close to the Saudi border with Yemen.

“The members of the Security Council strongly condemned the egregious and escalatory drone attack, attributed to the Houthis, on members of the armed forces of the Kingdom of Bahrain serving as part of the Arab Coalition to Support Legitimacy in Yemen,” a statement from the UNSC said.

The Security Council also called on the Houthis to end all “terrorist attacks, reiterating concern at the targeting of civilian infrastructure in cities at the southern border of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.”

A Houthi drone attack on Monday initially killed two Bahraini soldiers before a third later succumbed to his wounds.

A fourth Bahraini serviceman died on Friday, the Bahrain Defense Forces said.

The UNSC said any escalation would only exacerbate the suffering of the Yemeni people.

“The members of the Security Council reiterated the need for decisive steps towards a sustainable ceasefire and underlined their continued strong support for efforts toward a political settlement and ultimately ending the suffering of the Yemeni people,” they said.

Earlier in the week, the Pentagon said the Houthi attack threatened the longest period of calm since the war in Yemen began. “Such unacceptable attacks threaten the longest period of calm since the war in Yemen began,” Pentagon Press Secretary Brig. Gen. Pat Ryder said.
