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Colombians in solidarity with Cuba celebrate UN vote against blockade

Tunja, Colombia, Nov 2 (Prensa Latina) The Colombian Movement of Solidarity with Cuba (MCSC) celebrated today the practically unanimous vote at the UN against the US blockade of Cuba.

During the second day of its 32nd National Meeting held at the Pedagogical and Technological University of Colombia in Tunja, department of Boyacá, the participants awaited the voting spree that every year shows the rejection to that unilateral policy.

“Viva Cuba”, ” Abajo el bloqueo”, were some of the expressions of joy of the members of the collective, officials of the Cuban Embassy in Colombia and students of this center of higher studies who participate in the solidarity event.

With 187 votes in favor, two against and one abstention, the world once again said yes to the United Nations General Assembly Resolution, which establishes the ” Need to end the economic, commercial and financial blockade imposed by the United States of America against Cuba”.

The blockade, in addition to affecting the Cuban people with restrictions that prevent access to numerous products such as medicines, food, health technologies and others, with the aim of stifling the Revolution, also has an extraterritorial nature.
