Sunday, June 16, 2024
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Cuba will apply salary increases to health workers

Havana, July 30 (Prensa Latina) Starting January 1, Cuba will apply new salary measures to encourage the stay of workers in the National Health System and recognize the conditions in which they work, the Official Gazette reported today.

From that date, the additional monthly payment for years of services provided will be effective, the payment for night shifts of doctors, stomatologists, nursing staff and health technologists will be increased, and for hours worked on weekends by doctors and stomatologists.

Remuneration for special working conditions will also be included for doctors and stomatologists who are located in rural and difficult-to-access units, and for nurses who work in services that require a higher level of responsibility or where the characteristics of the pathology to be treated requires an effort greater than normal.

The provision also establishes for doctors, stomatologists, nursing staff, psychologists, technologists and other graduates and technicians who perform specific functions in healthcare activity, who work in the budgeted sector, the additional monthly payment for years of services provided.

Time worked is considered to be accumulated in the exercise of the profession, whether continuous or not.

In addition, the Resolution published by the Official Gazette authorizes payment to health professionals for the maximum effort by greater care, teaching, research and other services that ensure the vitality of the system.

For the entry into force of these measures as of January 1, 2024, the Ministry of Public Health approved the general procedure, the requirements, conditions and indicators for the implementation of payment for maximum effort, as well as the mechanisms for its control.
