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Arab League criticizes Western countries for cutting funds to UNRWA

Cairo, Feb 7 (Prensa Latina) The Secretary General of the Arab League, Ahmed Aboul Gheit, criticized the decision of some Western countries of cutting off their fund contributions to the UNRWA (United Nations Works and Relief Agency for the Palestinian Refugees in the Middle East), in charge of aiding Palestinian refugees.

“This action reflects a morally defective and wrong position in humanitarian and security terms,” the diplomat said in a statement.

Aboul Gheit stressed that the position is in line with the old renewed ambitions of the Israel’s right-wing of eliminating the role of UNRWA.

The Secretary General thanked the states that did not let themselves be influenced by the calls aiming at destroying UNRWA in such a dangerous moment (Spain, Portugal, Norway and Ireland).

“We call on all the countries who hurried to stop financing the agency and review this wrong and dangerous decision,” he stressed.

Aboul Gheit stressed that Israel’s accusations against 12 UNRWA employees, whose contracts were terminated immediately, should not be applied to thousands of workers, most of whom are medics and teachers.

He also said: “Nothing justifies collective punishment on over half a million Palestinian children receiving education in UNRWA schools, including some 250 thousand just in the Gaza Strip, as well as 900 thousand receiving food aid.”
