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US weapons seized at terrorist headquarters in Syria

Damascus, Mar 29 (Prensa Latina) The army and the Security Forces on Monday found US-made arms and ammunition in a headquarters abandoned by terrorists in Daraa province, in southern Syria.

Images broadcast on state television showed the seized ammunition that includes dozens of automatic rifles, RPG launchers, projectiles, machine guns and sniper rifles.

According to an army official, the headquarters also had Malyutka and other US-made anti-armored missiles, as well as night vision devices and telecommunication equipment.

Our units will continue their operations until all the rural areas in Daraa are cleared of the remnant weapons and mines by the extremists, the official said.

Daraa was liberated from terrorism in the summer of 2018 after a Russian-sponsored reconciliation in which the extremists surrendered their mid and heavy weapons, while the remaining left for the northern Idlib province.
