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Syria to receive Covid-19 vaccines from Russia and China

Damascus, Apr 4 (Prensa Latina) Syria on Sunday announced that it will receive vaccines from Russia, China and the World Health Organization in the next few days, which will help this Arab country to mitigate the effect of the Covid-19 pandemic.

The vaccines will be administered in compliance with national controls and regulations, Prime Minister Hussein Arnous told the press.

In this regard, the Syrian embassy in Beijing, cited by Al-Khabar TV station, announced that China’s medical assistance to this Arab nation will continue, and the most recent batch was a donation of 150,000 Covid-19 vaccines.

Yesterday, the authorities announced the partial suspension of classes in schools and universities due to the increase in cases and the serious transportation crisis in the country.

According to data announced by the Ministry of Health, the highest number of Covid-19 cases per month since March 22, 2020, when the first case was reported, was confirmed in March.

Syria is fighting the pandemic amid an overwhelming blockade and severe sanctions imposed by the United States and the European Union, which prevents the import of medical equipment and much-needed health supplies.
