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Argentina rejects new military maneuvers in Malvinas Islands

Buenos Aires, Apr 9 (Prensa Latina) Argentina on Friday expressed its strongest repudiation of new military missile exercises in the Malvinas Islands, a territory in dispute with the United Kingdom since 1833.

In a press release, the Foreign Ministry rejected the military maneuvers and the launching of missiles in particular, in Argentine territory illegitimately occupied by the United Kingdom.

Such action, the statement referred, is an unjustified show of force and a deliberate withdraw from numerous resolutions of the United Nations and other international organizations, which urge both parties to resume negotiations to find a peaceful solution to the dispute over that territory.

Likewise, the Argentine government underscored that it informed its embassy in the United Kingdom of the illegitimate military exercises to be carried out by that country in the area of the Malvinas Islands in the next few days, which will include the launching of Rapier missiles.

Argentina sent the UK government a strong letter of protest in which it remarked that the persistence of military exercises in the South Atlantic contravenes UN Resolution 31/49, which urges both parties to refrain from adopting unilateral decisions.
