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India salutes congress of Communist Party of Cuba

Havana, Apr 15 (Prensa Latina) The Communist Party of India (CPI) saluted the upcoming sessions of the 8th Congress of the Communist Party of Cuba (PCC) and stressed its solidarity with the Caribbean island.

This was expressed in a letter sent by CPI General Secretary D. Raja on the eve of the Congress, which will take place from April 16 to 19.

The CPI reiterates its solidarity with the Cuban fight against the United States blockade and inhumane sanctions, the letter says.

It also emphasizes the support for the nomination for the Nobel Peace Prize to the Henry Reeve Medical Contingent, made up of Cuban health specialists who lend their cooperation in the fight against Covid-19 in several countries.

According to the letter, Cuba’s attitude of solidarity enhances its prestige as a responsible member of the international community.

The CPI considers that the 8th PCC Congress will result in a victory for the Cuban Revolution in defining its social and economic model of socialist development.

Our Party greatly appreciates the role of the Communist Party of Cuba in bringing together communist and workers’ parties, as well as left-wing organizations and social movements in a common platform to strengthen the struggle for peace and social justice, the letter from the Indian communist leader underlines.
