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Mexico prepares for 25th Meeting of Solidarity with Cuba

Mexico, Apr 16 (Prensa Latina) Mexico's Movement of Solidarity with Cuba accelerates the preparations for the 25th National Meeting which will take place on April 24th and 25th, this time in a virtual way, according to organizers.

All solidarity organizations at national level are immersed in this task in order to, 62 years after the triumph of the Revolution, celebrate the 60th anniversary of the founding of the Cuban Institute of Friendship with the Peoples, Tamara Barro, member of the solidarity coordinator, explained to Prensa Latina.

They will also commemorate the triumph over the US mercenary invasion of Playa Giron, the first military defeat of imperialism in Latin America, she added.

This year, she said, the meeting will have luxury speakers such as the former Minister of Culture, Abel Prieto; Aleida Guevara, Ernesto Guevara’s daughter; Noemi Reboza, vice president of ICAP; Miguel Barnet, president of the Cuban-Mexican Society of Cultural Relations; and Alcides de la Rosa, a fighter of the Bay of Pigs, among other speakers.

The meeting will be inaugurated by Cuba’s Ambassador to Mexico Pedro Nuñez Mosquera, Mexican senator Gloria Sanchez, and Reboza representing ICAP, she noted.
