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French left-wing talks about 2022 presidential election

Paris, Apr 17 (Prensa Latina) Representatives of the main French political forces of the left are holding talks this weekend here about the 2022 presidential elections, aimed at preventing the reedition of the Emmanuel Macron-Marine Le Pen runoff.

Experts and leaders agree in pointing out that a single candidacy of the left demanded by many seems unlikely at this time, but also warn that this would be the only way to have a candidate in the run-off at the polls scheduled in a year’s time.

Polls reflect President Macron and far-right leader Le Pen with between 22 and 28 percent support, unreachable according to the polls for the rest of the hopefuls considered with options.

According to media, this Saturday’s meeting takes place at the initiative of the MEP of Europe Ecology The Greens (EELV) Yannick Jadot, and is attended by leaders and representatives of The Unsubmissive France, the Socialist and Communist parties, environmentalists and other organizations.

The LCI television channel mentions among the participants the first secretary of the Socialists, Olivier Faure, the Socialist mayor of Paris, Anne Hidalgo, the Insubmissive deputy Eric Coquerel, the spokesman of the Communists Ian Brossat, Raphael Glucksmann (Public Square) and Benoît Hamon (Generation.s).

If the most recent survey of the French Institute of Public Opinion is taken into account, the left would need to capitalize on the voting intentions of Jean-Luc Melenchon, Hidalgo, Jadot and Roussel (communists) to get to the second round of the presidential election in order to reach the second round.

Melenchon and Roussel have already announced their candidacy for the race for the Elysée Palace, while the ecologists plan to hold primaries in September.
