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Attack on Afghan school deemed genocide

Kabul, May 17 (Prensa Latina) Survivors of Monday's bomb attack on an Afghan school in a Daht-e-Barchi district, in this capital, demanded that the crime be deemed as a genocide.

The attack, which killed at least 95 people and injured 200, mostly schoolchildren, was a violation of the values and human rights of the Hazara ethnic group, the victims’ families told Ariana news agency on Monday.

Rajab Ali, who lost two of his family members, said that such brutalities must be stopped, and such attacks must be prevented so that Afghan citizens from any ethnic group can study in peace.

The request came after the Afghan Independent Human Rights Commission (AIHRC) last week urged the government to grant special protection to the Hazaras and the community in Dasht-e-Barchi.

The AIHRC said in a statement that the Afghan government has an obligation to protect the Hazara community or any other ethnic minority against crimes against humanity, ethnic cleansing or genocide.
