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Cuba’s sympathizers plant Fidel Castro cedar tree in Lebanon

Beirut, Jun 6 (Prensa Latina) Cuban residents, diplomats and solidarity organizations in Lebanon on Sunday planted a cedar tree which they named Fidel Castro, as part of a day of condemnation of the US blockade against Cuba.

The MP for the south-central region of Chouf, Bilal Abdalah was also present at the ceremony, as well as a representative of the Progressive Socialist Party, the most influential party in that area.

Cuba’s Ambassador to Beirut Alexander Pellicer noted that planting this tree expresses the long friendship between the two countries.

‘Cuba will never abandon Lebanon, just as that nation will always support in the fight against the US economic, financial and total blockade against our country,’ Pellicer said.

According to the director of the Chouf Natural Reserve, Nizar Honi, from now on the Fidel Castro cedar is part of a 20-year old program, thanks to which 5,000 specimens of the most symbolic tree among the Lebanese were planted.

Cubans, diplomats, members of associations of friendship with the country and of the league of Palestinians graduated in Cuba chanted slogans and carried signs alluding to the world campaign condemning the US blockade.

The cedar (cedrus libanis) is printed on the national currency, the flag and is one of the national prides because of its special characteristics.

None of the participants in today’s ceremony will see the maturity of the plant species, which reaches maturity after 150 years, when it takes the form in which it appears in the aforementioned symbols.

The Lebanese popular perception values it as an example of longevity (there are some specimens that are about 3,000 years old) and of a winner for the difficulties it faces to be born and survive.

In any case, the planting and subsequent development of the Fidel Castro tree will manifest what was said by some present at the ceremony, the eternal friendship between Lebanon and Cuba.


Los cubanos, diplomáticos, integrantes de asociaciones de amistad con el país caribeño y de la liga de palestinos graduados en Cuba corearon consignas y portaron carteles alusivos a la campaña mundial de condena al bloqueo norteamericano.

El cedro (cedrus libanis) está impreso en la moneda nacional, la bandera y constituye uno de los orgullos nacionales por sus características especiales.

Ninguno de los participantes en la ceremonia de hoy verá la madurez de la especie vegetal que llega alcanzarla luego de 150 años, cuando adopta la forma con que aparece en los símbolos mencionados.

La percepción popular libanesa lo venera como ejemplo de logenvidad (hay algunos ejemplares con unos tres mil años) y de vencedor por las dificultades que enfrenta para nacer y sobrevivir.

En todo caso, la siembra y posterior desarrollo del árbol Fidel Castro manifestará lo dicho por algunos presentes en la ceremonia, la eterna amistad entre Líbano y Cuba.
