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US analysts warn about hostile policy towards Cuba

Washington, Jun 8 (Prensa Latina) President Joe Biden´s reluctance to reverse hostile US policy towards Cuba could be justified by electoral issues, US analysts warned.

Guillermo Grenier, Professor at Florida International University, quoted in The Hill newspaper´s online edition, considered that nothing has changed because current US administration is unaware of how Florida electorate will react.

Nelson Díaz, president of Miami Dade Republican Party, supports such a position, for whom many Cuban Democrats voted for conservatives in past elections and, if the US president keeps his stance towards Havana, he would win such a support afresh. The task is pretty hard, though.

Those results will be put to the test next year, as the ruling party tries to defeat Senator Marco Rubio (Republican) and Governor Ron DeSantis (Republican) in midterm elections.

Biden vowed to turn policy around Cuba, but apparently he changed his mind after his force lost two presidential elections in Florida in a row, The Hill reported.

While Joe Biden eliminated many of Trump´s measures, he keeps unchanged 243 sanctions on Cuba.

The Hill recalled that earlier this year, a group of Democratic lawmakers sent a letter to the US president urging Obama’s strategy of détente to be resumed regarding Cuba.

However, nothing has changed, to the point that the State Department renewed a Trump´s decision that, according to them, Cuba is not fully cooperating with US counterterrorism efforts.

Cuban government described such accusations as utterly unfounded, since they responded to political purposes so as to try to justify the US attacks on Cuba, including the economic, commercial and financial blockade suffered by the Cuban people.

pgh/Pll/msm / avr