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China ratifies support for Cuba’s fight against US blockade

Beijing, Jun 11 (Prensa Latina) A senior Chinese leader on Friday ratified his country's unwavering support for Cuba's demand to immediately end the US economic, financial and commercial blockade, which has been in force for more than half a century.

Wan Chen, member of the Political Bureau of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and vice chairman of the Standing Committee of the National People’s Congress (Parliament), also noted the condemnation of the US hostile policy, when he received Cuba’s ambassador, Carlos Miguel Pereira.

The leader emphasized that the blockade had a ‘serious impact on the normal development of Cuban society,’ expressing full support to the people’s fight for the end of the blockade, whose tightening causes damage in all areas of the socioeconomic life of Cuba.

Wang remarked the historic and proven friendship between the two nations, underscoring the high level of political dialogue, and highlighted the legacy of the historic leader of the Cuban Revolution Fidel Castro and Raul Castro in the construction of socialism.

Among other issues, he thanked Cuba for its support to China on issues of sovereignty, national security and human rights, and noted the joint fight against aggressions and abuses by the US government.

In turn, Ambassador Pereira expressed gratitude for China’s support in condemning the US blockade and reaffirmed Havana’s rejection of the politicization of human rights here and the unfounded campaigns to discredit this nation.

He conveyed the greetings of the vice president of the National Assembly of People’s Power of Cuba, Ana Maria Mari Machado, and her willingness to further strengthen bilateral ties in legislative matters.

Likewise, the diplomat expressed willingness to work in conjunction in the consensus reached by the presidents of both States, especially in the deepening of economic relations and cooperation.
