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NASA’s Perseverance Rover begins 1st science campaign on Mars

Washington, (Prensa Latina) NASA's Perseverance rover has kicked off its highly anticipated science campaign on Mars to collect materials from a crater that is believed to have been under at least 100 meters (328 feet) of water 3.8 billion years ago.

Such a site could contain evidence of ancient microbial life on the red planet, if ever existed, several experts claimed.

References from the United States National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) indicated that Perseverance rover will head south Mars to explore the Jezero crater´s lake bed.

Previously, the Perseverance rover started off by using MOXIE instrument, its oxygen generator, its cameras, which have already taken as many as 75,000 images, and its microphones, which have recorded Mars´ first noises, according to an official statement.

So the rover has begun to sink its teeth into its own science mission, which focuses on searching for signs of ancient Mars life and collecting samples for future return to Earth.

The rover will have to move through a NASA-planned route, as it may encounter sand dunes along its way.

When it returns to its landing site, Perseverance should have toured 2.5 to 5 kms and with eight of 43 tubes laden with rock and dust.

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