Friday, July 26, 2024
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Spain concludes successful campaign to send syringes to Cuba

Madrid, Jun 23 (Prensa Latina) The Spanish State Movement of Solidarity with Cuba (MESC) successfully concluded today the campaign to raise funds to send more than three million syringes to the Caribbean island.

Sodepaz (Solidarity for Development and Peace), the main promoter of the initiative, told Prensa Latina that funds were raised to buy 3,350,000 syringes for vaccination against Covid-19 in Cuba.

We can be satisfied because the accumulated funds will be used for the complete vaccination of 1 million 100 000 people, Sodepaz stressed.

A note, which also included a communiqué from the MESC, reported that 120 entities supported the campaign, to which more than 3,000 donors contributed.

A total of 560 municipalities and councils backed the idea, most of them through Famsi (Andalusian Federation of Municipalities for International Solidarity), the Galician Fund for Cooperation and Solidarity and the Catalan Development Cooperation Fund.

Under the name ‘Blocking kills, your solidarity saves lives’, the idea of surpassing the target of three million syringes became more latent in the last few days.

Since last Saturday, around twenty Spanish cities have been involved in demonstrations and meetings to support the Cuban cause in the struggle against the economic blockade maintained by the United States.

Just tonight a large rally will take place in the central Puerta del Sol of Madrid at 7:30 p.m. local time, with the same objective of repudiating Washington’s siege against Cuba.
