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Evo Morales criticizes opposition politicians

La Paz, (Prensa Latina) Former Bolivian President Evo Morales has slammed opposition politicians who seek support from foreign governments and highlighted the sovereign conduct of democracy in his country for having the support of most of the people.

‘Democracy is exercised with sovereignty,’ Morales wrote on his Twitter account, and pointed out that those rights are being undermined by ‘failed advocates of neoliberal policies.’

The leader of the Movement Towards Socialism thus referred to those who, through the Colombian government, requested a consultation at the Inter-American Court of Human Rights (IACHR) on the issue of the indefinite reelection that allowed him to run as a candidate for the 2019 election for the fourth consecutive time.

Morales’ candidacy was then validated by the Constitutional Court of Bolivia, which upheld his decision on the grounds that indefinite reelection is a human right as stipulated in the American Convention on Human Rights, a document also known as the Pact of San Jose.

The consultation requested by Colombia seeks that the court determine the validity of the this argument, an act condemned by Bolivian authorities and other countries.

Morales also questioned the opinion, still in preparation, of the IACHR, an instance of the Organization of American States, considering it to lack binding and retroactive value.

He recalled on Twitter that Colombia violates citizens’ human rights and condemned the presence of the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights to verify the allegations of repression, murders and violations perpetrated by the police against peaceful demonstrators for more than two months
