Friday, July 26, 2024
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Organizations in Spain support Cuba

Madrid, Jul 12 (Prensa Latina) More than fifty groups of friendship with Cuba in Spain today renewed their solidarity 'with the Cuban people and their Revolution, in the face of interference and manipulation' against the island.

In a statement released in this capital and many other Spanish cities, the State Movement of Solidarity with Cuba (MESC), described yesterday’s demonstrations as destabilization attempts.

‘Cuba is suffering a new episode of attacks on its sovereignty with the support of the big media, taking advantage of the crisis situation and limitations caused by the economic blockade of the United States,’ said MESC. Made up of 53 associations, groups and by the United Left, the Communist of Spain and the Communist of the Peoples of Spain and the Marxist-Leninist Communist parties, the coordinator described what happened as another chapter in the campaign against Cuba.

It is part of the war to destabilize the country, while the mainstream media are silent on specific events, the MESC added. It further denounced that there is no talk in the media about the solidarity work of the Henry Reeve Cuban Medical Brigades, or the damaging effects of the economic blockade imposed by the US for more than 60 years.

The MESC recalled that in just over two months it managed to raise funds in Spain for the purchase of more than four million syringes, to support the mass vaccination campaign in Cuba against the pandemic

In this regard, he announced that the MESC has decided to expand the campaign, keeping all accounts enabled for it.
