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Russian activists support Cuba in face of destabilizing attempts

Moscow, Jul 13 (Prensa Latina) Activists from the Russian movement of solidarity with Cuba on Tuesday expressed their support for the Cuban Government and people in the face of the destabilizing attempts amid the Caribbean country's complex economic situation.

The declaration Cuba is not alone! stressed that the Caribbean nation ‘tenaciously defends sovereignty and the socialist conquests.

The document denounced the media war the Caribbean country is currently carried out, trying to avoid responsibility for the US blockade of more than 60 years.

The representatives of the Russian movement for solidarity with the island supported the demand made by Cuban President Miguel Diaz-Canel that the Caribbean nation’s sovereign right to build socialism must be respected.

The document was signed by the Russian Committee for the lifting of the blockade against Cuba, the Venceremos social movement, the Vanguard of Red Youth, the I.V. Khlebnikov Universidad Obrera and the Red TV creative project.
