Friday, July 26, 2024
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French association calls to mobilize to support Cuba

Paris, Jul 15 (Prensa Latina) The Cuba Si France association on Thursday called for a mobilization on Saturday, July 24, near the Eiffel Tower to support the Caribbean nation facing the destabilizing actions that took place on July 11.

‘Friends of Cuba, the moment is decisive and our Cuban brothers need us more than ever, because they face a new attack from the United States,’ reflects the call spread in Paris on social media.

The organization stated that the event will take place in Paris’ Jacques Rueff square, where hundreds of people have participated in actions to support Cuba and its Revolution.

Last weekend, protests by a small group of people took place in some territories of the Caribbean nation, promoted from abroad to generate instability and chaos, which justify the call for a humanitarian intervention by the United States in the face of the complex economic and health situation.

Cuba Si France urged to condemn the economic, commercial and financial blockade imposed by Washington for more than six decades due to its devastating impact in society, aggravated during the Covid-19 pandemic.
