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French association reiterates rejection to blockade against Cuba

Paris, Jul 16 (Prensa Latina) The Cuba Cooperation France Association (CubaCoop) on Friday ratified its repudiation to the economic, commercial and financial blockade of the United States against the island and denounced the objective of that policy to suffocate it and generate chaos.

The organization founded in 1995 to promote socio-economic ties between France and Cuba entitled ‘Down with the blockade’ its publication La lettre electronique Hebdo, in which it offers readers an approach to the reality in the Caribbean nation and its resistance against the aggressions.

Regarding the recent protests by a small group of people, the association recalled that Washington seeks with the blockade to suffocate Cuba’s economy.

In this sense, CubaCoop detailed that the siege implemented for more than 60 years was tightened, with a severe impact in the supply of food, medicine, fuel and other key resources.

The administration of President Donald Trump adopted 243 measures to strengthen the blockade, 50 of those were implemented amid the Covid-19 pandemic. All of them are still in force six months after Democrat President Joe Biden took power, who promised, during his election campaign, to reverse some of those hostile actions.

Upon talking about the actions that took place on July 11 on the island, the association highlighted President Miguel Diaz-Canel’s presence in the streets and his television appearance to talk with the people to explain the causes of the difficulties, as well as his call to defend the Revolution.
