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Russia’s Cuba Friendship Society denounces US interference

Moscow, Jul 22 (Prensa Latina) Russia's Cuba Friendship Society on Thursday rejected the United States' attempts at interfering in Cuba's internal affairs, and denounced the impact of Washington's blockade on the Caribbean nation.

In a statement, the members of that organization warned about destabilizing actions aimed at aggravating the sociopolitical situation in Cuba.

They expressed their solidarity with the political forces that support the course of the Cuban government to protect the achievements of its Revolution, overcome the economic difficulties, and the consequences of the US coercive measures against the country and Covid-19.

‘The US blockade against Cuba, in force for over 60 years, has not allowed Cuban authorities to develop the country’s economy, acquire food, medicines and equipment to fight against the pandemic,’ they denounced.

They urged to take into account the opinion of the international community, which recently readopted a resolution in the United Nations General Assembly, demanding the end to the US commercial, economic, financial and humanitarian blockade against Cuba.

‘We condemn and call for an end to the campaign of disinformation and incitement to externally inspire acts of vandalism,’ they emphasized.

They further express the confidence of Russian activists that Cuba will continue implementing the necessary measures to overcome the existing difficulties in the economic and social areas and to protect the Cuban people against the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus.

Russia’s Cuba Friendship Society and its branches in over 40 regions of the country expressed their readiness to support the Cuban people in defending their right to determine the path of its domestic development.
