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Ecuador: Telecommunications Company in emergency after attacks

Quito, Jul 29 (Prensa Latina) Authorities of the National Telecommunications Corporation (CNT) of Ecuador are working today on the implementation of measures, after being declared in institutional emergency due to recent computer attacks.

In this regard, the Minister of Telecommunications and Information Society, Vianna Maino, said that the Attorney General’s Office is carrying out the relevant investigations.

In this context, she also mentioned emergency and security measures that will be implemented to protect the data of customers and the State.

Appointing a person responsible for assessing the real situation of CNT, who will be announced in the next few days, carrying out an external audit with companies of the highest international level and providing the agency with a team of cybersecurity experts with optimal technological tools are some of the decisions.

In this sense, the Government will create the National Cybersecurity Management, besides updating and modernizing the institutional technological park and proposing a process of integral change.
