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Mexico’s President refutes US Senators Ted Cruz and Robert Menendez

Mexico City, Jul 29 (Prensa Latina) Mexican President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador on Thursday refuted insinuations by Republican Senator Ted Cruz and Robert Menendez, a Democrat, both of Cuban origin, about Mexico and its relations with the Joe Biden administration.

On his daily morning press briefing, the head of State clarified that relations between the US and Mexico are respectful, answering to the US Senate’s accusations against the new Ambassador to Mexic, Kenneth Salazar, of alleged bad bilateral relations, the president clarified that these are respectful.

In response to the statements made by both senators, Lopez Obrador responded that the current Democratic administration is respectful of our sovereignty; there is a good relationship, friendship and cooperation for development, taking into account that Mexico is one of the 10 most feasible countries for investment because of its authentic rule of law.

The president exemplified with the fact they have signed a new trade deal with the United States and Canada, which allows the creation of companies from those countries in Mexico and vice versa.

So much so, the Mexican president pointed out that foreign investment in Mexico is growing, and recalled that yesterday even the International Monetary Fund unfolded the country had increased its growth forecast from 4.2 to 6.3 percent, but it is normal that those senators have made up questions, that is part of freedom of expression.

Lopez Obrador, who had previously received a letter on the issue from those senators, to whom he did not give them belligerence, on Thursday insisted on his good relations with the current Democratic administration and the interest in maintaining them.
