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Cuba’s Foreign Minister condemns use of nuclear weapons

Havana, Aug 6 (Prensa Latina) Cuba's Foreign Minister Bruno Rodriguez denounced on Friday the use of nuclear weapons on the 76th anniversary of the US atomic bombing on the Japanese city of Hiroshima during World War II.

The country’s Foreign Affairs Minister cited on his Twitter account a phrase of the historic leader of the Cuban Revolution, Fidel Castro, who stated ‘a world with nuclear weapons cannot exist.’

‘Peace is not compatible with nuclear weapons, a fact that anyone can verify,’ Fidel Castro said in 2012, on a meeting with members of the Japanese Peace Cruise, as part of the ‘Global Forum for a World Free of Nuclear Weapons.’

Rodriguez recalled what was stated in that exchange, where the Cuban leader also expressed that ‘the world has to defend the most important cause of all: the survival of human beings as species.’

On Twitter, Cuba’s Foreign Ministry also referred to what was written by the former president in the book of homage to those bombings’ victims at the Peace Memorial Museum in Hiroshima: ‘May such barbarity never happen again.’

On August 6 and 9, 1945, the cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki were targeted by the atomic bombs dropped by the United States, resulting in thousands of deaths and after-effects that continue to nowadays.
