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New York’s Governor loses top aide due to resignation

Washington, Aug 9 (Prensa Latina) Melissa DeRosa, top aide to New York's Governor Andrew Cuomo, resigned amid the political scandal surrounding him, charged with sexual harassment of 11 women, the press reported on Monday.

Her resignation came less than a week after the release of a report by state Attorney General Letitia James in which she found that the governor was a serial harasser.

The decision came as Cuomo struggles for political survival, The New York Times informed.

As DeRosa left her post, the Democrat lost one of his most loyal aides and trusted strategists, while facing a looming threat of impeachment in the State Legislature.

In the meantime, he has faced plenty of requests from top officials of his party, including President Joe Biden and Chair of the House of Representatives, Nancy Pelosi.

So her departure precedes a meeting of the Legislature’s Judiciary Committee that could deliver a timeline for the feasible impeachment of Cuomo, who continues to deny the allegations.

Meanwhile, DeRosa was criticized earlier this year for her involvement in efforts to conceal the full extent of nursing home deaths, a matter that is under investigation by federal authorities.
